Monday, February 25, 2013
Academy Awards 2013 - Live Tweets
5:30 – Seth McFarlane … 5:36 already edgy with the Chris Brown joke. The crowd is turning. LOVED we saw your boobs, but I’ll bet the old lady from Amour is feeling a little left out. Was that Channing Tatum? Didn’t recognize him with clothes on. LOVED the Flight sock puppet bit. Awesome. Okay, the opening segment was actually really good. Time for an award.
5:47 – Best supp actor:
So happy Christoph Waltz wins for his great performance in Django Unchained. He carried the first half of that movie and was well deserving of the win even though Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Deniro were the favorites.
5:55 – Paul Rudd and Melissa McCarthy good bit.
Best anim short film:
Paperman Oops. I am 0 for 2. Not a good start. I need a drink!
5:59 – Best animated feature film:
YAYYY! Brave wins. I’m 1 for 3! Time to get on a roll.
6:05 – The Avengers reunion was a bust.
Best Cinematography:
Life Of Pi!!! YAYYY! 2 for 4! If this movie didn’t win for Cinematography, I’m not sure it would win anything.
6:08 – Awkward moment between Samuel Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. Shit’s about to get real, Yo!
Best Visual Effects:
Life Of Pi!! WOOHOO!!!! 3 for 5!
6:12 – Pretty sure that Oscar winner just got eaten by a shark. Good thing they cut to Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban just in time.
6:17 – Best Costume Design:
Anna Karnina. Guessed right on that one. 4 for 6!
6:19 – Best makeup and hair:
Les Miserables!! Yayy! Okay, now I’m on a roll. 5 for 7.
6:21 – Halle Berry. Celebrating 50 years of Bond. ’50 years? Holy cow. That’s almost your whole life!’ – Shit Ryan says. Pretty cool montage, but all the songs they have to choose from to perform live and they choose Goldfinger?! The crowd stands but probably only to stretch their legs. A few more hours to go.
6:33 – Jamie Foxx and Kerri Washington
Best Live Action Short:
Curfew. Damn. And Death Of A Shadow was such a great title! How did it not win? 5 for 8.
6:35 – Best Doc Short:
Inocente wins. Damn. 5 for 9. Waiter! More Tequila por favor!!
6:41 – Seth McFarlane gets booed for a Lincoln joke. It’s okay. It was a good joke. Worth it.
6:42 – Ben Affleck.
Best Documentary Feature:
Yes! Searching For Sugar Man!! Great movie, and the only one I’ve seen in this category. Too bad Rodriguez isn’t there to give a speech. 6 for 10.
6:50 – Best Foreign Language Film:
Amour. The most obvious pick of the night. A VERY slow movie. Well done well acted but SLOW. 7 for 11.
6:52 – John Travolta. What? Seth McFarlane couldn’t come up with a massage therapist joke?
Catherine Zeta Jones went sharp while lip synching. How does this happen? Jennifer Hudson is telling us she’s not going. She should really get together with Jamie Lee Curtis for Activia. Now for the Les Mis reunion. I hope it’s good. Okay, that was awesome! Very cool.
7:08 – Chris Pine and Zoe Salanda. I said that I loved her in Avatar, which really would only be funny if she WASN’T in Avatar. Oops. Here’s the big Ted moment. Not bad.
7:11 – Best Sound Mixing:
Les Mis. Oops. I picked Skyfall. Seriously. What was I thinking? That’s the last time I sniff glue while making my predictions! 7 for 12.
7:14 – Best Sound Editing:
It’s a tie. Zero Dark Thirty! (Yes!!! 8 for 13 BABY!!) and Skyfall. The two that accepted the award for Skyfall look like Bond villians. Or Dawg the Bounty Hunter and his wife.
7:20 – Christopher Plummer.
Best Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams just looked at the camera and tugged her ear. Pretty sure she was saying hi to Carol Burnett. Glad they showed a clip of Helen Hunt with clothes on. There weren’t many in The Sessions.
And the winner is: Anne Hathaway. No surprise here. 9 for 14! Nice heartfelt speech from Anne.
The shows been on for just about 2 hours and I’m guessing the most comfortable person in the crowd is Emmanuelle Riva from Amour. She’s probably pretty content sitting there with her diaper on.
7:29 – The President of the Academy is speaking. Time to go to the kitchen for snacks.
7:32 – Sandra Bullock.
Best Film Editing:
Argo. Whoops. I picked Zero Dark Thirty. You know what I think about that. (Argo fuck yourself!) 9 for 15.
7:34 – Adele singing Skyfall. Still waiting for this song to grow on me. And I LOVE Adele. Okay that makes me picture Adele having her period. (Too much?) Okay that was pretty cool.
7:45 – Best Production Design:
Lincoln. YAYYY! 10 for 16.
7:50 – Salma Hayak. That dress makes her look like a Giraffe. Is she intentionally trying to sound like Gloria from Modern Family?
7:57 – The in memoriam. Not liking this song choice. Why not I’m Walking On Sunshine or Miley Ray Cyrus singing Party In the USA? I don’t recognize many names. This is making me feel young. For Tony Scott they should have played Bridge Over Troubled Water. What? Too soon? Cool. Barbra Streisand singing The Way We Were. Barbra still sounds great. One of the best moments of the night.
8:07 – The cast of Chicago along with an alien. Oops. That’s Rene Zellweiger with yet another new face. Well this is awkward.
Best Original Score:
Life Of Pi!! WOOHOO! Right again. I felt pretty strongly about this one. Well deserved. 11 for 17.
8:12 – Best Original Song:
It’s not very fair that only two of them were sung live tonight. And the winner is: Adele with Skyfall. I’m starting to hate being right all the time. 12 for 18. Now I’m expecting a really funny speech from Adele. A nice, sincere and emotional moment from Adele but sadly, no F bombs.
8:22 – Dustin Hoffman and Charlize Theron. Pretty sure Dustin is in the suit.
Best Adapted Screenplay:
Argo. Damn. I picked Silver Linings Playbook which has yet to win anything. I’m a little concerned about picking it for Best Picture. 12 for 19.
8:26 – Best Original Screenplay:
A little bit of a surprise but Quentin Tarantino wins for his amazing Django Unchained. This is a rare occasion when I am happy to be wrong for picking Zero Dark Thirty. 12 for 20. I got BOTH screenplays wrong. Shit! Any more wrong and I’m going to start dropping ‘F’ bombs!
8:33 – Michael Douglas and Big Bird, sorry Jane Fonda.
Best Director:
Ang Lee!!!!!! YAYYY! So glad that he won. Well deserved! Life Of Pi is a GREAT movie! 13 for 21.
8:40 – Jean Dujeldean (?)
Best Actress:
Jennifer Lawrence. Well deserved and not surpising. Whoops. That’s what you get when you combine a bulky dress with gravity. She should really be wearing a helmet. Right again! 14 for 22.
8:45 – Meryl Streep
Best Actor:
Daniel Day-Lewis. No surprise here. I would have been happy with Joaquin Phoenix but Day-Lewis was also brilliant. Yep. Right again. 15 for 23. Awesome Margaret Thatcher joke. Not bad. He should do a comedy. ‘There Will Be Blood On My Left Foot After I’m Assassinated.’
And now it’s time for Jack.
8:52 – Jack Nicholson. Michelle Obama with one of the big surprises of the night. She looks great as always. Here we go. Argo wins. Not quite sure how a movie that directs itself wins best pic but there you go. Actually moments before Michelle Obama’s announcement I had a feeling it was going to win. Nevertheless I did pick Silver Linings Playbook so I would be wrong. I ended the night going 15 for 24 which is not too bad. You can’t really blame the Academy for only getting 9 of them wrong. (See what I did there?) Ben Affleck could become an Auctioneer if acting and directing doesn’t work out for him. SOLD! Argo was a great movie and this is a well deserved win.
All in all a pretty good night. Seth McFarlane was somewhere between Billy Crystal and James Franco. Probably a little closer to Billy Crystal actually.
9:01 – Kristin Chenoweth and Seth McFarlane sing Here’s To The Losers. Nice touch, but good Lord. Will this ever end?!
9:05 – It ended! (Whew!)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Oscars 2013 - And The Winners Are...
It’s been a great year for movies and my crack team of investigators (the girls that work the Penticton Dairy Queen drive-thru) and I have uncovered all the bribes and blow jobs that could possibly influence this year’s Academy Awards. (But enough about Meryl Streep.) I’ve seen a lot of movies this year and my doctor will be glad to know that I avoided popcorn the entire year. (I smuggled in bottled water and sometimes M & M Peanuts but don’t tell anyone.) Most years I will add one movie to my list of favorite movies of all time. This year I added three. Life Of Pi, Silver Linings Playbook and Django Unchained are three movies that I could watch over and over and not get bored. I also stayed awake for all three and that doesn’t happen often.
With the help of my Dairy Queen girls …err team of investigators I was able to make my list of winners. For some I made educated guesses, for some I went by a gut feeling and, who am I kidding, on occasion I just went eeny meeny miney moe. That’s probably what a lot of the Academy does anyways. Here are my picks of every award and I will write a blog the day after the show to say I told ya so.
Best Picture:
The favorite leading up to the big night seems to be Argo. My girls and I were just discussing this over Peanut Buster Parfaits. Anyways, since the largest portion of the Academy comes from the acting branch and Silver Linings Playbook is the first movie since 1982 (I believe) to be nominated in all 4 acting categories, I’m picking SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK FTW! (Mom, that’s what the kids put when they mean for the win, just trying to sound cool.)
Best Actress:
This year features the youngest ever nominee (Q-alphabet Wallis for Beasts Of The Southern Wild) and the oldest ever nominee (Emmanuelle Riva who is like 80 something and shows her boobs and gets a diaper change. Translation: NOT a popcorn movie!) For me the clear winner here is JENNIFER LAWRENCE who was amazing in Silver Linings Playbook.
Best Actor:
While I think that Joaquin Phoenix gave one of the greatest performances this decade in The Master, the clear favorite here, and my pick to win is DANIEL DAY-LEWIS for his stunning portrayal of Abraham Lincoln. It will blow your mind. What? Too soon? (My Mother went to high school with Abraham and she says Day-Lewis nailed it!) I should also mention that John Hawkes also deserved a nomination for his amazing performance in The Sessions.
Best Supporting Actress:
I feel pretty confident that ANNE HATHAWAY is going to win this one for her brief but gut-wrenching performance in Les Miserables. In fact I’d bet a Cookie Dough and Smartie Blizzard on it. I finally got the opportunity to watch The Sessions the other night with Helen Hunt and now I feel like I am her Gynecologist AND her Proctologist. WOW! Let me just say that this one is also NOT a popcorn movie! (Though it is really good and it is possible that she could pull an upset here, but PLEASE Helen, wear a dress to the Oscars!)
Best Supporting Actor:
If I was to go with my Heart here I would definitely go with Christoph Waltz for his hilariously brilliant performance in Django Unchained, but I think this is a two horse race between Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Deniro. I think that ROBERT DENIRO will win for a great performance in Silver Linings Playbook.
Best Director:
This one I am going to be stubborn and go with my Heart. Life Of Pi was based on a bestselling novel that most people thought could not be made into a movie. Ang Lee had worked on it for years and many times also thought it was not going to work. There is a common expression among directors to never work with children, animals or water. ANG LEE did all three in Life Of Pi and did it brilliantly. If that isn’t deserving of Best Director, I don’t know what is.
Best Animated Movie:
Having seen only three of these (okay two and a half, I fell asleep during Pirates: Band Of Misfits) I’m going to have to go on my (ample) gut instinct. Wreck-It Ralph seems to have some momentum right now (which would indicate the aforementioned bribes and blow jobs) but I’m going to pick BRAVE.
Best Cinematography:
I have not seen Anna Korenina (is that about the Russian tennis player who posed for Playboy?) but I think this should be between Skyfall, the best Bond movie ever, and Life Of Pi. There were moments in Life Of Pi that were so stunning that I almost dropped my popcorn, err bottled water. It’s one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen so I am going with LIFE OF PI.
Best Costume:
Since it took almost the full hour to thread the needle in sewing class in grade seven and I got a D on my apron (still bitter), I will have to play eeny meeny miney moe on this one. ANNA KARENINA!
Best Documentary Feature:
I’ve only seen one and it was an incredibly moving story about a brilliant 70’s musician named Rodriguez. I highly recommend it for anyone that loves music and I pick SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN to win.
Best Documentary Short:
Often the one with the best title seems to win (Do you REALLY think the Academy actually watches these?) so I am picking REDEMPTION.
Best Film Editing:
I’d say Argo has a good shot here. (I’d also say that I know absolutely NOTHING about film editing.) But my gut tells me that ZERO DARK THIRTY is going to win for the incredible final half hour that details the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
Best Foreign Language Film:
This is the biggest sure thing of the night. If you are in Vegas and you have a pile of hundred dollar bills in your pocket, this would be your bet. AMOUR. (It could also win for Saggiest boobs, Best Diaper Change and Longest Scene Where Absolutely Nothing Happens And They May Have Forgotten To Turn The DAMNED Camera Off! Sorry. Forgot to say SPOILERS!)
Best Makeup and Hair:
Since I don’t use makeup and have no hair I will leave this one to my Dairy Queen girls. They pick LES MISERABLES! (Incidentally, if you aren’t pronouncing it ‘Lay Mizeraub’ then people will look at you like you are stupid.)
Best Original Score:
I’m going to pick LIFE OF PI because of the originality of the music and for the fact that it was such an integral part of the movie.
Best Original Song:
Adele’s Skyfall still hasn’t really grown on me. I don’t dislike it, but I’d say that if it was on her brilliant sophomore album 21 it would probably be the weakest track. That said, SKYFALL is going to win and hopefully Adele will liven up the show by dropping a couple of F bombs. (Mom, that’s what the cool kids say instead of FUCK!)
Best Production Design:
I know next to nothing about production or design, and even less about production design, so It’s time once again to guess. LINCOLN!
Best Animated Short:
I’ve seen as many of these as the Academy has (ZERO) so I’m going to have to make another guess. I’ll go with MAGGIE SIMPSON IN THE LONGEST DAYCARE.
Best Live-Action Short Film:
Once again I’ll just pick a movie with a good title. DEATH OF A SHADOW.
Best Sound Editing:
History has shown that I am weak in the sound categories (may have something to do with the fact that I don’t really know the difference between the two) but I’m going to go with ZERO DARK THIRTY here…
Best Sound Mixing:
…and Skyfall here. So there.
Best Visual Effects:
While The Avengers was one of my favorite superhero movies, I have to go with LIFE OF PI.
Best Adapted Screenplay:
One of the toughest categories to pick. You could make a strong case for Life Of Pi but I’m going to go with SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK just because I can and if you don’t like it go and make your own damn list!
Best Original Screenplay:
I feel pretty confident that this will go to ZERO DARK THIRTY.
There you have it. The winners for the 2013 Oscars. Okay, MY PICKS for the winners but when am I ever wrong? Well there was that time in grade 10 when I wore white after Labor Day. But not since then. I expect a great show. I’m just glad that my local Dairy Queen has a big screen tv.
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